What does it mean to be in a safe place?
a safe space is where I can lower the emotional and mental walls that protect me
a space I can be honest about how hard life can be, truthful and self-accepting of my own weakness, brokenness, and the trauma of life
a safe space allows me to receive kindness from others without fear of judgement or the expectation of something in return
where I can step out of survival mode and the fight or flight triggers of the world and breathe deeply of the goodness in life
a safe place is a haven of grace, where acceptance is freely offered, not earned
a place where my relevance and worth is in the life and work of Jesus, not in likes and follows or good deeds
I am in a safe space when people aren’t offended by my inability to be just like them.
What does it mean for me to be a safe space for someone else?
I am a safe space for someone else when a hurting soul can look me in the eye and be honest about who they are and how they are broken, when I see them and hear them and feel their hurt
I am a safe space when I see the faults and weaknesses of others but choose to offer the same mercy and compassion that I have been given,
when I offer acceptance freely and generously without limits, qualifications, or score keeping
I am a safe space when I refuse to be offended by someone’s inability to be just like me in thought, action, or cultural preference,
when I establish wise boundaries and stand up to the bully, the abuser, the dishonest, and the manipulator,
when I refuse to tolerate the mean and unkind word to a brother or the unjust treatment of a stranger,
when I make no excuse for the wrongs committed by others or by myself
Jesus is my safe space.
He is never offended by my inability to be just like Him, granting forgiveness and friendship in response to my failings
when I take shelter in Him, I find safety, rest, acceptance, and kindness
in the safe space that is Jesus, I draw from the never-ending reservoir of compassion and kindness that overflows from His heart
as I stand in the shelter of Christ’s safety and love, I pray that others are drawn into His shelter and find the deep well of unconditional acceptance and grace
May all those who seek a safe space accept the invitation to enter the presence of Jesus, the safe place of mercy and love for all those who trust in Him.
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.’” Psalms 91:1-2
Copyright @ T. A. Boland 2022