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  • writertaboland

Wait for Spring

in the winter darkness while the old elm sleeps

when the air is frozen and all of nature weeps

when you long for the warmth and gladness that sunshine brings

hold on, be patient,

                        wait for Spring


when the nights seem eternal, the heart hangs low and grey

when joy and laughter have faded away

when your soul is weary and can no longer sing

there is hope for the asking

                        if you wait for Spring


the sun will rise on Easter morn

all that has withered will be reborn

sunlight will erase shadow and gloom

the graveyard of last season will give birth to bloom

the darkness and sorrow of winter’s sting

will be barely a memory

                        when comes the Spring


so plan your garden under winter skies

plant your seeds where last year’s crocus lies

with expectant heart do everything

then give thanks to God

                        as you wait for Spring

-T.A. Boland

copyright @ TA Boland 2023

image: unsplash


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